
A three-day affair with Mexico City

(Over the last few days, a couple of friends have suggested me to pen down my trips more often, similar to what I did for the Masai Mara trip two years ago . So, after a three-day travel in and around Mexico City, I thought, well, I owe this to those few readers who have kindly read and encouraged me to keep writing travelogues time and again. And so, here is the story of that three-day affair.) Feb 7, 10:40pm: You guessed it right! Once again, I am going to follow the Professor Shanku routine of maintaining a diary and will jot down the stories as it happens. My flight left in the afternoon today and it was a pretty boring journey, until I got a glimpse of millions of glittering lights of the 11th largest city in the world. Unfortunately, an aisle seat and a passionate couple beside me came in the way of clicking a picture through the window, but I do hope to get one on my way back. The immigration process and getting a cab after that went real smooth. Soon, I was cruising throug...


(মূল কবিতা – সুকুমার রায়ের আহ্লাদী ) খেলছে ওরা বুক চিতিয়ে, আমরা হেথায় হল্লা দি, জিতলে পরেই মাথায় তুলি, হারলে তবে গোল্লা দি। সি-আর, হামেস, সালার পায়ে কারসাজিটা দেখতে পাই, পোগবা, হ্যারি, টনির গোলেও, চিল্লানোতে কমতি নাই ৷ ব্রাজিল ভাবে জিতবে তারা, খেলবে তাদের নেইমারে, কোথায় খেলা? শুধুই নাটক! ফেলছে হেসে ফ্যাক ক'রে ৷ ইডেন-কাকু খেলছে ভালো, নিচ্ছে ঠিকই গোল খুঁজে, ইভান লুকার পায়ের কাজে হারছে মেসি মুখ বুজে৷ লড়ছে দেখি ইরান জাপান, সাধ্যমত যেমন যার, নাইজিরিয়াও যুদ্ধ করে, যেমন করে স্যুইটজার ৷ এসব দেখে ভাবছি মোরা, বাঁধছি আশা সব বুকে- খেলবে ভারত, সুনীল জেজে, চারটে বছর পর থেকে।

An African Diary : A marvellous journey inside the Maasai Mara

Prologue   People have often told me to start a travel blog. But, the inherent lax attitude (the feeling we lovingly call the ‘lyad’) of a Bong has always stopped me from taking that initiative. However, this time, I finally managed to do it, for my first trip to Africa has been so fulfilling that it would have been unjust not to share it with the rest of the world. And then, when a Bong finally decides to write a travelogue, nothing can beat the temptation to follow the style of our beloved 'Professor Shanku'. So, this piece here is more like a traveler’s diary, instead of a regular travel blog. I have tried my best to describe the experiences, and I do hope you will enjoy the stories and the photographs. February 4, 8:15pm, Istanbul airport: Since the day we (me and Kushal) planned to take this trip, tens and hundreds of worries gripped us from time to time, one of the major tensions being the authenticity of the travel agency we already paid an advance to....