A three-day affair with Mexico City

(Over the last few days, a couple of friends have suggested me to pen down my trips more often, similar to what I did for the Masai Mara trip two years ago . So, after a three-day travel in and around Mexico City, I thought, well, I owe this to those few readers who have kindly read and encouraged me to keep writing travelogues time and again. And so, here is the story of that three-day affair.) Feb 7, 10:40pm: You guessed it right! Once again, I am going to follow the Professor Shanku routine of maintaining a diary and will jot down the stories as it happens. My flight left in the afternoon today and it was a pretty boring journey, until I got a glimpse of millions of glittering lights of the 11th largest city in the world. Unfortunately, an aisle seat and a passionate couple beside me came in the way of clicking a picture through the window, but I do hope to get one on my way back. The immigration process and getting a cab after that went real smooth. Soon, I was cruising throug...